Meet the CRM Businesses Love That Goes Beyond Just Contact Management
So, you’re eager to find a way to manage your contacts and close more deals quickly and effectively as a business, but you’re not sure where to start. Does this sound about right?
Fortunately, you’ve found the answer to your problems… HubSpot’s CRM growth platform is something that everyone across your organisation can benefit from. With a CRM as kick-ass as this one, your whole team can work from the same contact records and have full visibility over what each prospect or customer is interested in.
And it doesn’t stop there. As well as its core CRM functionalities, HubSpot’s CRM offers you a range of handy tools and reporting features from all across the HubSpot Growth Suite. So, if you want a custom dashboard or you just want to access real-time email tracking and notifications, the options are there.
When a CRM completely integrates with all of your website’s relevant tools, it can become your special superpower. If used properly, it can help to streamline processes, increase sales, maximise customer communications, generate leads and ultimately increase profitability.
Turn your website into a lead generating machine
In reality, HubSpot’s CRM can quickly become your sales team’s best friend, and here’s why:
As HubSpot’s Contact and Lead Management feature was born to generate leads we’ll start with this…
1. Contact and Lead Management
HubSpot’s first-class CRM is a leading light in the automated collection and storage of important consumer and prospect data. Content management tools streamline your sales effort and give you more time and flexibility to close deals.
You can easily set up automated advancement through your sales cycle when a contact makes a specific action on your website, moving themselves through the multiple lifecycle phrases: Subscriber, Lead, Marketing qualified, Sales qualified, Opportunity, Customer and Evangelist. Allowing you to be hands-off and only help out if someone needs a nudge.
Contact touchpoints can be tracked, and you can add additional notes and information as and when needed. You’ll see what services or pages your contacts have taken an interest in, how they arrived and how long they’ve spent on those pages, offering you powerful insight when it’s time to reach out with that ‘helpful nudge’.
Furthermore, you’ll be equipped with all the tools you need to build effective campaigns that are essential for closing more deals. With HubSpot’s CRM you’ll never be caught uninformed.
2. Live chat & chatbots
In today’s day and age, buyers want instant information and don’t like to wait for hours to get an answer. Luckily, with HubSpot’s CRM live chat and chatbots feature, they no longer have to.
Both live chat and chatbot functions are completely transforming lead generation and make websites more interactive, with a higher potential to generate leads. Live chat allows you to connect with visitors the moment they land on your website to build better relationships, close more deals and provide better support to your customers. This CRM feature can help you validate the true leads from the tyre kickers, saving you time and also a lot of effort.
Chatbots lighten the load of your customer service team through their ability to qualify leads, book meetings and scale your live chat conversations. The best part is that conversations are automatically saved in your conversations inbox so that the whole team can get an overview of every single interaction.
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3. Forms
Forms are one of the best strategies for lead generation, with 74% of marketers using web forms just for this reason. HubSpot CRM allows you to easily build mobile-optimised forms, pop-ups, banners and slide-ins to convert visitors into leads and add them to any web page.
The information from every prospect who fills out a form is automatically added to the HubSpot CRM, this is a very effective way of collecting contact details whilst at the same time collating feedback. This is integral to keeping your sales team informed on crucial information about the needs of your prospects.
With HubSpot CRM, you can also add Form fields that will help to filter the quality of leads you have, allowing you to segment them into sales pipelines and help you focus on the hot leads as opposed to the tyre kickers.
4. Reporting dashboard
When your marketing staff work one way and sales team another, they can sometimes become disconnected. However, HubSpot’s CRM reporting dashboard feature can put them on the same page. This software gives teams everything they need to know about the entire pipeline in a centralised place.
With the easy-to-use CRM, you’ll never have to manually update reports again. The reporting dashboard feature will display a collection of reports, with the easy option to just select the date range, add or remove certain reports and more.
What’s more, the HubSpot reporting feature gives you total visibility into your sales metrics so that you can identify what is and isn’t working, to improve your strategy with real data-driven decisions.
You’re probably thinking there’s a catch. But we can assure you there’s not, HubSpot’s CRM includes a set of sales reports as part of the package, ready for you to use at the click of a button.
And so much more...
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