HubSpot Reporting Tools; Everything You Need to be a Better Marketer
Did you know that almost 40% of businesses don’t look at all their business data insights at all?
With all the work that goes into fuelling and growing your business, you’d surely want to know that your efforts are paying off. But without looking at data this is impossible.
For all your company’s assets to sweat, including your website, you need to understand how it’s performing. Luckily using HubSpot CMS Hub reporting tools, you can access detailed reports for every one of your marketing assets, including website pages, landing pages, social media accounts, CTAs and so much more.
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Below we’ve picked out three main features of HubSpot’s reporting tools that are key for becoming a better, data-driven marketer.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
As built-in analytics help to gain essential business insights we’ll start here…
1. Built-in analytics
Publishing content and updating your website is very important, however, it’s critical to take analytics into consideration. Analytics identify what is and isn’t working for your company and with these you can make smarter, data-driven decisions.
HubSpot’s built-in analytics tools are designed to let you drill into your data. Looking closely at data gives you a deeper understanding of your marketing trends and consumer behaviour, helping to optimise marketing effectiveness.
Reporting tools highlight how each page on your website is performing, identifying traffic sources that contribute to the most website sessions, contacts and more. You can then dive into each source to see the individual contacts it’s generating and compare key metrics such as sessions and conversion rates. These insights are available at the touch of a button with HubSpot CMS Hub.
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2. Reports
With custom reporting in HubSpot, you’ll get access to detailed reports for every one of your marketing assets, from website and blog posts to landing pages, emails, calls-to-action and so much more.
Differing from analytics tools which are for more specific exploration of data, reports provide readable summaries that can help your business make sense of data and how it's performing in various areas.
Any report can be added to your dashboard so all critical metrics can be tracked in one place, insights can then be shared with the rest of your team.
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3. Dashboard analytics
Dashboard analytics summarise your most important business data from various sources all on one screen, making analytics easy to read and understand. This can help you make informed decisions, without the hassle of using extra tools, different platforms, and tracking codes.
This overview is usually the first thing you’ll see after logging into your HubSpot account, making various performance metrics clear and visible for the whole team. However, if you prefer, dashboards can be set to private, or access can be restricted to specific users and teams for tighter control over your data.
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