Wondering How to Create a Reliable Website? (4 Top Tips)
Reliable websites convert more sales, increase website traffic, improve SEO, generate more ROI, guarantee a positive user experience, and so much more.
But how do you ensure that your website is reliable?
Creating an effective and reliable website can be hard work. At the very least it involves a deep understanding of website design and functionality.
However, with HubSpot CMS Hub creating a reliable website is made easy. With included security, CDN and hard-baked tools available at the touch of a button, you’ll never have to worry about your website crashing or being unreliable ever again.
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Below we’ve highlighted 4 top tips for your business to consider when going the 'xtra' mile and make your website reliable.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Design can make or break a website so we'll start here…
1. Coherent design
Websites with too many options, buttons and icons can leave your visitors feeling overwhelmed with choice. Likewise, homepages full of links, text, buttons and banners can cause users to struggle to find what they’re looking for – making your website appear unreliable and chaotic.
Coherently designed websites are consistent, clear and easy to navigate for visitors. This is key to keeping users on your website, optimising sales, and guaranteeing a good user experience.
With 94% of individuals stating that easy navigation is the most important feature when it comes to websites, making sure that your visitors can navigate the information they need as simply, quickly and easily as possible is critical.
2. Harmonious website
For a website to be reliable, all details must work together harmoniously. This includes elements such as headers, footers, sidebars, navigation bars, images, colours and fonts.
You must be sure that your website is one that works well, if not you could face bad user experiences, high bounce rate, a decrease in traffic, low ROI and so much more.
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3. CDN
You must have a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your website if you want it to be reliable. CDNs provide high-availability, faster performance and security to websites distributing their content via it.
Through a CDN, visitors can receive fast, quality web experiences no matter what location, browser, device, or network they’re connecting from.
You then have the challenge of choosing a suitable CDN provider. The HubSpot CMS platform is incredibly reliable with a global CDN included. CMS Hub enjoys a CDN with 99.99% uptime.
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4. Security
As around 30,000 to 50,000 websites get hacked every day, the power of website security shouldn’t be underestimated.
An website that isn't secure is an unreliable website; this has the potential to lose consumer trust, lead to a loss of reputation, cause endless issues, and can even be the end of a business.
Luckily as an SaaS CMS with a globally hosted CDN, HubSpot’s CMS Hub gives you 24/7 threat monitoring, web application firewall and an automatically maintained and updated system, so you no longer have to worry about if your website is vulnerable again.
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